Program / Budget
What to build… before you BUILD
The program is a guide to help you establish your priorities and what is intended for the project. It can be as specific or general as your desire; but, not having a program can lead to a process without focus and structure. Here are some suggestions:
Exhaustively list all wants and needs for the Home
Strictly prioritize the list and make connections within the context of Building Equity
One of the most important things we do is help to set and manage a realistic budget. We will assist as you build a realistic budget. Here are some suggestions:
Review our Project Budget Planning Guideline; It can be a helpful reference
Understand your Program and your goals for Building Equity
Understand the relationship between the Project Budget and the Design/Build Budget
The Project Budget represents the total expenditure during the entire Project e.g. new furnishings, living costs if you move out, cost of a loan, a contingency, etc.
The Design/Build Budget represents the direct expenditure for solely the design and construction fees – sometimes referred to the “Construction Budget”
Understand your finances: your cash position and cash flow, your other financial investments, your ability and willingness to consider financing a portion of the project.
Once you have built your budget, it is imperative to maintain it. We will work with you to stay in control of the project budget in these primary ways:
- Consistent detailed construction estimation throughout the design phase
- Regular construction meetings for communication about issues that may affect costs
- Prompt, open and professional communication throughout the entire process
Remember that your Program & Budget can be dynamic and can evolve with the project – just keep the goals clear and maintain your awareness.

Our Process
Step I:
Design Construction Planning
In a nutshell, we listen to you; to your wishes and needs. We brainstorm, we look at your site, and we assess your house (if renovating). Meetings will take place virtually or at the DuBro office with one or both DuBro Architects.
We start designing! We put together ideas, we share images, and we discuss them with you. We conceptualize and draw three-dimensional sketches of your newly designed spaces. We discuss materials and establish a baseline for materials and products. An online “ideabook” will also be established for sharing designs, materials, and product ideas.
The commencement of the cost-estimating process begins within the first quarter of the Concept Design Phase. We put together and present detailed construction cost estimates throughout the process and review with you.
We check the scope of the project and materials estimated against your budget. The cost-estimate process continues throughout the design process and results in a fixed-fee.
A Product and Material Portfolio and Scope of Work document will be created. This effort directly parallels the design and cost estimate development to ensure that we are pricing specific products and materials and that this is communicated clearly for evaluation and refinement as required.
We review scheduling issues with you and develop a schematic of a projected construction schedule. This effort includes timing of such things as construction documentation, permitting, owner’s key events, coordination with other DuBro projects, weather considerations, etc.
We have concluded Step I and we are ready to take the next Step.
Step II:
Construction Documentation & Construction
With an agreed Fixed Lump Sum for the Construction:
We will develop and submit architectural and structural drawings to obtain approved building permits. Once we have the permits on hand, we are ready to start building!
Prior to starting construction, we will meet with you on-site to establish rules of organization and your responsibility for preparation of the house.
We take care of everything during construction. We will build, maintain an organized job site, schedule deliveries, and all required inspections; work directly with inspectors and building officials to ensure the work fully meets the code.
Preferably weekly, we conduct regular construction meetings with you to address construction progress, cost-effecting issues, up-coming decisions and tasks, material and product final selections (yes, you can change your mind!), and refine design details.
Based upon the Step 2 Agreement payment schedule, the completion-based payment schedule is clearly administered.
At the end of construction, we walk-through with you to review the entire project taking care of any outstanding details. A final, professional cleaning is performed at the end of each project.
We review operation and maintenance issues. We will also provide a project manual which includes all product literature and warranty information.
We facilitate warranty issues and provide prompt follow-up on home-related issues. We stay connected with you and fully stand behind our word and our work.
You Enjoy Your New Home

We focus on the two fundamental sides of a project scheduling: planning the schedule and managing that schedule.
1. Planning a Construction Schedule
Planning a project schedule is a critical task. We work with our clients to be clear-minded about timing and sequencing required for the project. Before we start the construction phase, we make sure that we are ready to commit to the construction schedule by doing the following:
Make sure all key decisions are made – design, products, materials
Align our key personnel for the commencement of the project
Account for critical path lead times on products and materials
2. Managing a Construction Schedule
A construction project is a multi-dimensional puzzle. We have found that one simple tool is the most effective way to manage our construction schedules: Weekly Construction Meetings. These meetings demand both preparation and communication and typically include the following agenda topics:
Comments and Questions from the Owner
Construction Status
What has occurred in the previous week
What is planned to occur in the upcoming week
Potential cost-affecting issues (if they exist)
Owner-initiated changes
DuBro suggested changes
Allowance items
Unforeseen conditions discovered
Design-related issues
Final selections for products and materials yet to be determined
Final of design details yet to be determined
Consideration of design ideas discovered during construction
Every project must be managed with timeliness and care. A dedicated construction foreman and the company owner, Jeff DuBro, personally manage the construction decisions and activities on each project. We focus daily on the translation of design ideas into construction reality. There is always a direct line of communication between one of our two Architects and our field personnel. The same manner of communication is in place to manage material and product information. This coordination is a requirement to the execution of a smooth construction process.
The goal when managing a construction project is to create something beautiful that can be enjoyed by others.