Living Architecture
Living Architecture is the DuBro philosophy of Architecture and Construction - it is centered on the notion of how we live. Living Architecture is multi-faceted and is rooted in a holistic approach to living a connected life - connected to our Home, to our family and friends, to nature and lastly to ourselves.

Master Builder
As Architects who build, we are reviving the historic role of Master Builder where planning & design is integrally fused with construction & craft. This role dates back to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. It is only in Modern times that the roles of the Architect and the Builder were separated. We are committed to the re-integration of those roles. It is the integration of concepts, ideas and designs with the craft, fabrication and building that truly excites us.

Our Guiding Principles
Artistry is what sets this company apart. Architecture is our art; building is our craft. At DuBro, we seek to bring something fresh and new to every project regardless of size or type. We take a set of conditions and re-invent them to create enriched living spaces. Integral to our work, artistry is infused into all aspects of our design and construction practices. We believe in the value of creative artistic solutions.
To DuBro, economy is a guardianship principle. It is about sound financial investments and prudent decisions, but also:
the judicious use of resources, material and space,
staff and crew efficiencies
effective project management
the correct balance between scope of work, quality level of materials/products and the financial investment made.
Optimism is the belief in hope and a positive outcome. It leads to higher performance, innovative thinking and an understanding that challenges can be answered with a multitude of creative solutions. At DuBro we believe that optimistic, positive energy leads to shared trust and engagement between project, team and client.
When so much is at stake for clients, communication through to the last detail is a priority. We invite you to check our references, and client testimonials. You will discover that we take this principle very seriously. We believe that anxiety and dissatisfaction can be eliminated with good communication and we have many mechanisms in place to provide a positive experience for our clients.
The world of words has exploded around the terms ‘sustainability’ and ‘green’, But, what are more important than words are deeds. Together with our clients, we strive to make decisions (from project site management to building material and product selection) that result in high quality, real value and environmentally sustainable outcomes. We believe that this is not an added feature, but the way to design and build.
Integrity is wholeness and virtue. It is core to our client, vendor, employee, and community relationships and it drives the way we design and build. It is the foundation from which our company is built - from the actions and procedures to the materials and systems.

Project Economy
We strive to build equity in our clients’ Homes. Our goal is to create as much overlap as possible between the two types of equity: Market Equity and Quality-of-Life Equity.
Market Equity - The conventional type of equity in regard to building equity in one’s home. Consider these questions:
• How long do you intend to stay in this home? • What is the state of the local market? • How does your potential project fit within the local market?
Quality-of-Life Equity - Uncommonly discussed within the context of building equity, but equally as important in our opinion. Consider these questions:
• What is your vision of home? • How can your house better reflect and inform how you live? • What would allow you to LOVE your home?
Clients for Life
Our best clients are invested, thoughtful and intellectually connected to the process. The success between DuBro and our clients is born out of an engaged process of design and construction. It is the centerpiece to our sustained business.
It is important to us to have relationships that are built on earned respect, trust and good faith.
We want to be the first company you call when there is something to be done with your home. For DuBro, the size of the project does not matter; it is the relationships we build and the attitude we take when discovering how our clients live and understanding what their needs are.
We hope all of our clients will be clients for life.